
Better Health. At Your Fingertips.

Increase your musculoskeletal longevity, health, and well-being with weekly straightforward strategies — directly from an orthopedic surgeon.

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Should you eliminate these 5 things in the gym?

NICK GOLINVAUX, MD March 9, 2024 Hi Reader, How is your week going? So far, I've had a productive one: I learned that Taylor Swift and poet Emily Dickinson are related. I accepted a generous invitation to be on an upcoming episode of an orthopedic surgery podcast (more details soon!). Due to popular demand, I wrote about upper extremity safety in the gym. If you workout regularly, you've surely had a hand or upper extremity twinge from time to time. It can be difficult to know...was that just...

Time to reconsider that cat or dog...?

September 14, 2024 Sign Up Good morning! As this newsletter keeps growing, so do the options. This week I've produced the featured article in podcast format. If you'd prefer to listen, rather than read, this option is for you! Warning. Hopefully these are helpful, but they're nothing fancy. Maybe one day... This Week's Podcast on Spotify Get it here → This Week's Podcast on Apple Podcasts Get it here → This Week's Podcast on Amazon Music Get it here→ All the things you usually hear definitely...

A look at how I fix broken bones

September 7, 2024 Sign Up Good morning. This week's article was a fun one to write. A dive into all the inner workings of how orthopedic surgeons actually fix bones so they heal right. Plus, I haven't drawn you pictures in a while. That changed this a big way. Also, you guys seemed to like the newsletter service as much as I do. It's cool, right? In case you missed it, find something new to learn here. ♻️ ICYMI (Recent Articles) ♻️ • Ice, Ice, Maybe? A Surgeon's Perspective on Icing...

Look out for this disfiguring hand condition

August 31, 2024 Sign Up Good morning. A little bit of fun news for Rules of Thumb. This week, it was featured in a newsletter about newsletters. How meta is that? Pretty shocking given I couldn't even send out a working link to my article last week (sorry to those of you who noticed!). Speaking of, if you like newsletters as much as I do, here's a free service I've used for years to find the most interesting stuff on the internet. Plus, anything you subscribe to supports Rules of Thumb, at no...
Ice after injury

🧊 Should you ice that sprained ankle?

August 24, 2024 Sign Up Good morning. It's back-to-school season. Which means lots of excitement, way too many Amazon orders, and cooler mornings. Wishing all parents out there the best of luck finding babysitters for the myriad welcome coffees, PTA lunches, and back-to-school nights you have scheduled over the next few weeks... But don't worry. There's also still plenty of warm weather left to sprain that ankle or jam that thumb. Which begs the question of the week — should you put an ice...
A patient holding their wrist in pain

Preventing wrist pain that ruins summers (or falls or winters or...)

August 17, 2024 Sign Up Good morning. I don't know about you, but it's been a weird week not having the Olympics to follow anymore. I was getting rather used to consuming as much Snoop Dogg + equestrian/breakdancing/water polo content as my little heart desired... Arturo Holmes/Getty Images ♻️ ICYMI (Recent Articles) ♻️ • Springtime Elbow (For Many, Pickleball Elbow) • • How A Hand Surgeon (Safely) Cuts Avocados • • Are Steroid Injections For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome A Cover Or A Cure? • ☝️...

Secrets of My Patients Who Avoided The Scalpel

August 10, 2024 Sign Up Good morning. Though I hadn't traveled since late winter, this week marks the second time in three weeks! Fortunately, it's for some much-needed family fun this time rather than an exam... But of course, the experience thrust me right back into my favorite people-watching environment of all time. It just never fails. Would you take your shoes off on the plane (like my neighbor did — for all 4 hours of the flight)? ♻️ ICYMI (Recent Articles) ♻️ • Treat Any Pain Like A...

The Double-Edged Sword of Inflammation: What You Need to Know

August 3, 2024 Sign Up Good morning. Boy am I enjoying writing this again. A few mornings a week with my keyboard while it's still dark out, the house is quiet, and the coffee is warm? Yes, please. Do you have a quiet moment like this you steal throughout your day? I'd highly recommend it. ♻️ ICYMI (Recent Articles) ♻️ • Do You Know How To Use Your Thumbs (So They Don’t Wear Out)? • • Ulnar Nerve Entrapment and a DIY Cure • • Treat Any Pain Like A Doctor, Prescription-Free • ☝️ First Hand...
Rheumatoid Arthritis Hands

Don’t Confuse Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

July 27, 2024 Sign Up And we're back! I've got the exam behind me and am more ready than ever to get this newsletter going again. I appreciate your patience with my absence over the past couple of weeks. Also, I have this thought every time I do it...but traveling is wild. Grade A people watching (ex: see meme below). And it always boggles my mind just how many people are in this world. We're all in it (on it?) together, we may as well make the best of it. ☝️ First Hand Every week, I'm asked...