Preventing wrist pain that ruins summers (or falls or winters or...)

August 17, 2024

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Good morning. I don't know about you, but it's been a weird week not having the Olympics to follow anymore.

I was getting rather used to consuming as much Snoop Dogg + equestrian/breakdancing/water polo content as my little heart desired...

☝️ First Hand

The first time I ever treated a De Quervain's tenosynovitis patient (when I was still a trainee) I went and told my professor the patient had broken her wrist.

I was that confident based on her pain.

Imagine how I felt when he laughed and told me she had tendinitis.

This condition's generic name 'wrist tendinitis' and official name 'De Quervain's tenosynovitis' don't inspire much in the way of interest.

But I'm telling you, this thing can't-lift-up-your-morning-coffee-mug hurts.

The good news is, understanding what it is and why it occurs can help you make a few adjustments in your daily life so you don't ever have to experience the full-blown joy of De Quervain's...

👀 X-ray of the Week 👀

One of the most classic fractures in all of orthopedic surgery is the femur fracture.

I'd say throughout training, I saw this most frequently as a result of car accidents.

*Knee meets dashboard. Femur snaps.*

Surgery ensues.

Does anybody know how we fix these?

📺 Grey's Anatomy made-for-TV case of the month

Here's a good one. I'm going to have to keep it a little vague for patient privacy, but I think you'll enjoy it nonetheless.

Now, I don't know about you, but I never did anything reckless as a teenage boy. But word on the street is that some teenage boys have not yet developed the prefrontal cortex of their brains — you know, the part responsible for risk assessment and decision-making.

So this is where we pick up the story of a young person who came to my office the day after an experiment with dry ice.

We're talking science here.

The kind of science that involves putting dry ice in a water bottle and then filling said bottle with water.

The kind of science that then involves putting that bottle in a large tube to thus shoot off the cap at a 'friend.' You know, for fun.

The kind of science that proceeds to malfunction so you stick your hand down the tube to jostle it with your thumb.

Thus resulting in an explosion, a 7 cm blast wound, and an open thumb fracture with a bone fragment dangling from its most important ligament.

Fortunately, lots of sterile cleaning solution, many stitches, and a single screw later (below), this person will be back in the science lab in no time.

🕰️ Meme Time 🕰️

In case you missed the Olympic sharpshooting meme that took over the internet last week...

🩸 Finger on the Pulse 🩸

🥑 Avocado Hand: Apparently the Washington Post narrowly missed seeing my 'how to cut an avocado' article. So they wrote their own. Boo.

🤖 Nanorobots: Is there anything that says the future is here more than an article about nanorobots killing cancer cells with hidden weapons?

🦿 Major advance: And another huge win for those who require prosthetics to walk again following a lower extremity amputation.

Electrolytes and Protein Discount

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A reminder that BioSteel has so kindly partnered with me if you're into protein powders or electrolyte drinks. Use this link or enter code: NICKGOLINVAUXMD at checkout to get 20% off your entire order.

And as a reminder, any proceeds go right back into funding this newsletter so it's better each and every week.

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As always, I appreciate you spending your Saturday with me. Have an awesome weekend.

-Dr. G

**Please do not use this email to try to obtain medical advice. I cannot legally or ethically provide that. If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911 and do not attempt to contact me through email.**

Rules of Thumb

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If you are having a medical emergency, call 911. Do not attempt to contact or obtain medical services through this site. This content is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing, or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this site or materials linked from this site is at the user's own risk. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard, or delay in obtaining, medical advice for any medical condition they may have, and should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals for any such conditions. The content is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of OCC.
