Numb Fingers? The 30-Second Test to Try Before Seeing a Specialist

February 22, 2025 | SUBSCRIBE | SHOP | ARCHIVE

Written by Dr. Nick Golinvaux

Good morning. Well, the results are in! After last week, it is clear you are all very interested in arthritis.

Now that you have a better understanding of what it is, I will work to get an article out in the next few weeks about strategies to combat this (sigh) inevitable condition.

**This newsletter has occasional affiliate links (at no cost to you). These small commissions will always be re-invested into Rules of Thumb to improve the experience for all.**


Worried About Carpal Tunnel? Try This Test First

Diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome usually requires a visit to a specialist, but there's one surprisingly accurate test you can do right now, wherever you are.

This simple 30-second check is so reliable that hand surgeons trust it more than most other clinical tests, with over 90% accuracy in confirming carpal tunnel syndrome.

While medical school taught me dozens of ways to evaluate hand problems, this straightforward test remains one of the most valuable tools in my practice.

Today, I'll teach you exactly how to perform this test on yourself and understand what the results mean.


The worst injury I've ever seen

This is a sad one.

While I was not directly involved, our whole department felt the weight of this one.

If I recall, the patient was riding on the back of a motorcycle and an oncoming drunk driver caused the bike to swerve and hit a telephone pole.

The result was what you see in the CT scan above. The pelvis was broken in two...and one half sheared away from the other. You can see the femur bone broke as well.

The entire leg and half the pelvis were not able to be saved. An extensive emergency amputation was needed just to save the patient's life.

Fortunately, the patient did survive and was able to return home after several weeks in the hospital.


Who doesn't love a discount?

A reminder that BioSteel has so kindly partnered with me if you're into protein powders or electrolyte drinks. Use this link or enter code: NICKGOLINVAUXMD at checkout to get 20% off your entire order.

And as a reminder, any proceeds go right back into funding this newsletter so it's better each and every week.


A common cause of broken femurs

This quick PSA comes from my days (ahem, nights) as an on-call orthopedic surgery resident at the Children's Hospital.

If you've ever taken a child to a playground, you also have almost certainly gone down the slide with them on your lap. They're afraid, you're the hero...great fun and memories for all.

But did you know this is one of the more common ways young kids break their femur (thigh) bones?

If you hadn't noticed, kids are wiggly. And when the gravity-aided force of an accelerating grown adult mixes with a child who sticks their leg out...

As soon as that shoe makes contact with the slide (and your body keeps going), you have a recipe for a big twist. And then a femur fracture.

Neither great fun, nor great memories for all.

Keep those legs tucked in..or just skip the tandem slide altogether.

(I know, I'm such a Scrooge. Bah humbug.)


TSA Style Points

I'm not sure I've ever had a 'good' performance in the TSA line...


Calling all engineers

While this article didn't explicitly mention orthopedics, this seems like a big-deal breakthrough. Scientists have discovered a way to nano-engineer materials that are strong as steel, but light as foam.

Something tells me I'll be fixing bones with these materials rather than titanium plates and screws before the end of my career...


Your Guide: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This is my masterclass on carpal tunnel syndrome. In this short book, I share everything you ever wanted to know about numb hands and how to fix them.

It's more education than the average visit to a specialist — for less than the average co-pay.

Thank you for reading and engaging with Rules of Thumb! Subscribe for free to receive new posts.

Nick Golinvaux, MD

Hand & Upper Extremity Orthopedic Surgeon

PS. Rules of Thumb is a completely free resource to all those who want to learn more about the human body. Support Rules of Thumb here 🙏.

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Rules of Thumb


Because, you know, lawyer stuff

If you are having a medical emergency, call 911. Do not attempt to contact or obtain medical services through this site. This content is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing, or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this site or materials linked from this site is at the user's own risk. The content of this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard, or delay in obtaining, medical advice for any medical condition they may have, and should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals for any such conditions. The content is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.

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